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Heather Bradberry-Slowinski
Né àUnited States
23 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Mars 20, 1985
Born in on March 20, 1985.
Séptembre 2, 2008
Passed away on September 2, 2008.
Avril 24, 2009
My baby girl born 03-20-85, my very first child.  She had a rough start in life, at 7 months she got spinal menengitis and was quarantined, The did not know if she was going to make it or not. she did not just make it throough that she was also early 2 months early she weighed 5lbs 5oz.  She has always been a very thoughtful, sweet and funny person.  She did have a sense of humor and always wanted everyone to laugh.  She loved the eighty's music!!! as a child her best friend was and still is Christina Johnson.  I almost think I raised her too, since Heather was 10 Chrissy was always at our house, she even went on trips with us like MGM studios and Islands of Adventure.  When Heather found her brother Scott hanging on our fence, she was never the same!  she tried but I knew.   http://scott-jenkins.last-memories.com
Heather and her brother are very close they are actually 11 months apart and for one month they are the same age.  After Scott was killed we moved to my moms house. Who is my rock she is the strongest woman I know she was there for me when I could not be there for myself, or other children or even my husband.  One year later we moved to orange park 01/03.  Heather ended up having three beautiful children Jared 11-28-04  Madison 11-15-05 and Hunter 02-01-07.  I know take care of Jared and Madison, Hunter has a wonderful father Mike and all we want is for the children to grow up together, so we see and get Hunter often.  Mike lives in Tallahasse.  Heather was in a fatal car accident on US1. It looks like she was run off the road, this was around an intersection, actually across the street is a church with three crosses. Once she ran off the road she could not regain control and hit a tree.  She did not die instantly, the first responder said she was still breathing and had a heart beat when he got there, however her heart stopped shortly after.  He did tell me he tried to revive her however blood was coming out of every orifice.  She died at the scene. Imagine how I felt at 11pm when the state troopers came to my door.  The accident happened at 6:42pm.  It was horrible seeing my daughter with the injuries she had, my baby in pain and I could'nt do anything about it or even know what was happening. I sooooo hope she did not suffer and The good LORD took her when it happened. That just kills me to know my kids were in pain BOTH of them.  I would take their pain or place in an second!!  My baby girl was going to college, going to start her second year.  She never got to raise her family, I hope and pray she is with us everyday looking over them and helping me and Mike. Heather please know I Love and Miss you soooooo much it hurts everyday!  I will see you both again and I cant wait for that hug and kiss!  Until then I love you baby      mommy